Библиографическое описание:
Naumov, I. A. Genesial health of teenage girls with inflammatory diseases of generative organs between 1984-1994 in Grodno area / I. A. Naumov, E. M. Tishchenko, A. S. Aleksandrovich // Hygeia Public Health. – 2010. – № 2. – Р. 143-147.
Introduction. The research urgency is defined by absence of studies and the conforming analytical assessments for working out expert approaches and methods on conservation and improvement of genesial health (GH) in the given contingent of women of reproductive age.
Aim. To carry out retrospective research of GH status in women aged 15-17 years with inflammatory diseases of generative organs (IDGO).
Material and methods. The systemic approach served as a methodological basis of the research. On the basis of the State statistical data the levels of case rate and GH parameters of women aged 15-17 years in the Grodno region for 1984-1994 were investigated.
Results. In 1984-1994 IDGO in teenage girls in the structure of the recorded gynecologic diseases reached 22.46±3.23% - the second rating place. During a decade the indicator of primary IDGO case rate increased by 32.7% and reached 3.8/1000 in 1994. In 1984-1994 the indicator of general IDGO case rate of teenage girls increased by 34.2% and in 1994 reached 4.6/1000. Studying the etiological DGO structure it was possible to establish that nonspecific infectious inflammatory diseases prevailed -62.14±4.26%. However in every third girl with vulvovaginitis the disease had specific etiology. The most frequent was the candidiasis vulvovaginitis which in the structure of inflammatory diseases of vulva and vagina reached 28.36±3.27%. Age rearrangement of endocrine and immune systems of teenagers, in our opinion, can be surveyed as a «secondary» pathology. Especially considering that the appreciable number of girls with candidosis vaginalis had concomitant diseases of digestive system. Sexual infections in the structure of candidosis vaginalis in teenage girls reached 9.12±0.63%.
Conclusion. The recorded multiple correlations of disorders of female genesial system and medico-social characteristics of teenage girls with IDGO create an increased medico-social „risk", and their GH conservation is a multi-component problem.