Библиографическое описание:
Gytikova, L. V. The correction of disorders of the lactational function of puerperas suffered from preeclampsia / L. V. Gytikova, V. A. Birkas, A. K. Nikolskaya // Archives of perinatal medicine. – 2010. – Vol. 16 (1). – Р. 45-47.
There was carried an estimation of the efficiency of using domperion for correction of disorders of the lactational function of puerperas, suffered from preeclampsia of different degree of severity. On the 6th day of puerperium there was revealed the decrease of the level of prolactin in blood serum of puerperas having disorders of the lactational function. The treatment of puerperas having hypogalactia of the 1 degree with motilium helped to increase prolactin and daily quantity of milk as well as the continuance of the lactational period and did not depend on the level of severity of preeclampsia. It was much harder to treat hypogalactia of the 2nd and 3rd degree in combination with preeclampsia. That explains the lower content of prolactin, lower continuance of the lactation and and preservation of disorders of the lactational function of 47-63% of puerperas.
prolactin, hypogalactia, agalactia, preeclampsia, puerperas, lactation