Библиографическое описание:
Bon, L. I. Disturbances in brain cortex neurons following prenatal alcohol exposure in rats / L. I. Bon, S. M. Zimatkin // Журнал Гродненского государственного медицинского университета. – 2018. – Т. 16, № 1. – С. 23-27.
Aim. To assess the effect of antenatal alcohol exposure on histological and histochemical characteristics of brain cortex neurons in rats at different time periods after birth.
Material and methods. Experiments were performed on 25 females albino rats and their offspring by using histological and histochemical methods of study.
Results. Antenatal alcohol exposure in rats increased, and then reduced the brain cortex thickness, the decrease being noted in the relative amount of brain cortex neurons and the increase in the number of their pathological forms
in all time periods of the examination. The histochemical examination revealed the inhibition of NADH-, NADPhH, G-6-PDH and SDH as well as activation of LDH and AP.
Conclusions. Alcohol consumption by rats during pregnancy induces in their offspring brain cortex neurons deep and mainly irreversible structural and metabolic disturbances.